

03.31.2024 - By 一席英语Play

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主播:Anne(中国)+梅莉(法国) 歌曲:Glow Me

今天我们聊一聊:如何跨过small talk,打破冷场,与外国人聊天不尴尬!

01.什么是Small Talk?Small Talk(闲聊)是指谈论非常表面的事情,比如天气,你来自哪里,你多大等。所以small talk基本上可以理解为中文里的“寒暄”。那么,如何与外国人聊天,不尴尬!你可以use some conversation starters(用一些暖场话题)to help break the ice(来打破冷场)。02.五个实用的暖场话题

1. If money was not an issue, what would you be doing with your life?(如果钱不是问题,你会做什么呢?)这个问题不仅能让我们了解对方的梦想和价值观,还能知道他们心中的dream jobs(理想工作),还能帮助你know someoneon a deeper level, not just on the surface level(更深层次了解一个人,而不仅仅停留在表面)。• dream jobs理想工作• on the surface level在表面上• on a deeper level更深层次上对于这个问题,主播梅莉跟我们分享了她的想法。其中,她最想做的是travel the world(环游世界)。主播Anne也表示赞同。同时,她还觉得she would still go to work, probably for free。因为工作肯定会让你的生活更有条理。Besides, she would be doing a lot of artsy stuff, such as photography, drawing, singing and writing. (此外,她说她会做很多艺术方面的工作,比如摄影、绘画、唱歌和写作。)• artsy /ˈɑːrtsi/ adj. 艺术家气派的;有艺术气息的• photography/fəˈtɑːɡrəfi/ n.摄影,摄影术2. What's your favourite way to spend a day off ?(你最喜欢怎么过休息日?)It is a great way to get to know each other’s hobbies and lifestyles. (这个问题能让我们了解对方的兴趣爱好以及生活方式。)• day off休息日(由雇主授予的不工作或不承担职责的时间)主播Anne说:If she is really tired she likes to take naps (补觉).然后她会在城市里散散步(take a city walk)。梅莉也分享了自己的答案:她喜欢在户外休息一天,grab some food(买东西吃),在户外吃早餐或午餐,或者徒步旅行(hiking)等等。3. What's your bucket list location and why?(你这一生一定要去的旅游地点有哪些呢?为什么?)• bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ n.桶;一桶之量;大量• bucket list 愿望清单Abucket list a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die.(愿望清单是一个人在离世前想做或想实现的事情的清单。)主播Anne说,她一定要去迪士尼(Disneyland)还有环球影城(Universal Studios),“我的朋友们一直在告诉我这些地方有多有趣,但我从来没有去过。”她说。对梅莉来说,one of herbucket list location is definitely to go on a safari (观兽旅行) in Africa! I would love to see all the animals in their natural habitat.• Safari /səˈfɑ:ri/ n.(尤指在东非、非洲南部的)观赏(或捕猎)野兽的旅行• habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/ n.(动植物的)生活环境,栖息地4. What advice would you give to your younger self?(你会给年轻的自己什么建议?)This question can be used from a networking situation and it can really bring up some interestingand meaningfuldiscussions! (在建立人脉的时候可以问这个问题,会引发很多有意思并且有意义的讨论。)梅莉会告诉年轻时的自己要相信自己,相信这个过程。This is something that she keep telling herself today.Anne说,you should know yourself first before you pursue anything.在你去追求任何事物之前,一定要先了解自己。年轻的时候,她觉得自己太关注于外界了。And she didn’t really know who she was as a person and therefore she didn’t know what was the best for her.(因为不够了解自己,因此不知道什么才是适合自己的。)她会告诉年轻时的自己要活在当下(be present),不要过分专注于过去与未来。

5. What was your very first job?(你的第一份工作是什么?)这个问题能让我们了解对方的工作经历。Many successful people have humbling beginnings so it’s always cool to hear where they came from!(许多成功人士的起点都很低,所以听听他们的出身总是很酷的!)很多大佬起家的方式都看上去比较普通,他们普遍都有打工经历,他们的第一个工作大多都在速食店或超市。所以,这确实是个跟同事“破冰”很好用的话题。• humbling /ˈhʌmblɪŋ/ adj.谦逊的;普通的聊到自己的第一份工作,梅莉说她的第一份正式工作是在当地的一家杂货店当收银员。Anne的第一份工作也差不多,是在一个美食广场帮忙给顾客打饭。Remember, these conversation starters are not only great for breaking the ice, but they can also lead to meaningful discussions and connections.(请记住,这些暖场话题不仅有利于打破僵局,而且还能带来有意义的讨论和联系。)You should definitely try them out for yourselves!(你真的应该自己尝试一下!)希望这些暖场话题能帮助你跟人拉近关系。请留言告诉我们:面对这些破冰问题,你会怎么回答呢?

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